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Feeling Godly
Many would consider the color white, in fact, colorless. As compared to other more vibrant hues in the color wheel, the color white appears naturally devoid of intense, boldness. However, the color contains all wavelengths of visible light and is a blending of each color of the spectrum.
It is the color’s perceived austere blankness that illuminates its beauty. For most, the color white represents cleanliness and purity. Perhaps that’s why angels are symbolized to wear white and why professions like doctors wear a white coat. While white might not be a go-to favorite color, it is a more preferred color for physical environments. The color evokes a mood of quietness and calm. White rooms convey simplicity and balance. The color is known to bring clarity and resolution.
Aside from keeping anything white spotless, the virtuous color can have its downsides. Many might consider white to be bland and cold. Yet even with mixed emotions, the shadeless shade will undoubtedly stimulate your senses.